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What is John Tibbetts??

John Tibbetts goes by many names: destroyer of worlds, consumer of souls, fantastical science fiction writer, and one who stands on the outside to behold a realm bereft of beauty. To his friends, he is simply J.D. 

John Tibbetts came into this world in the pre-millenium year of 1996. He was a child raised by television, books, games, and inter-dimensional eldritch horrors, like any normal boy. This imbued him with a penchant for the macabre, but also, with a very biting, often goofy sense of humor. John was drawn to science fiction and fantasy for their reputation for layered and detailed worlds, but knew he needed to be better, faster, stronger, and more absorbent! He left his home in Forsyth, Georgia to find someplace crazy enough to teach him the ways of the written word. He found it in the odd, frigid, and often smelly facility known as Full Sail University. At the end, he earned a piece of paper framed in wood that proves, without a doubt, that he is at least a decent writer. His B.F.A. cements John's lifelong dream to one day become an okay writer!

John currently has two major projects underway. He is the head writer and project coordinator for the upcoming fantasy web comic Nyden, and is developing the first book of his fantasy/crime thriller series Dark Contract about supernatural gangsters.    

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